Exploring the Rich History of Pakohe

Our team had the privilege of visiting the Te Tuhi o te Whenua: Pakohe Unearthed exhibition at Nelson Provincial Museum Pupuri Taonga o Te Tai Ao. We were guided by the incredible Ruihana Smith, whose passion and mātauranga Māori truly brought the exhibition to life. His knowledge of Pakohe and its cultural significance was captivating, and we are so grateful for the experience. Ngā mihi nui to both Ruihana and Hana for your time!

Curated by Ngāti Kuia and Pupuri Taonga o Te Taiao, Nelson Provincial Museum, and presented in collaboration with all iwi of Te Tauihu, Te Tuhi o te Whenua: Pakohe Unearthed celebrates the strength, versatility and resilience of Pakohe and the people who have worked it over hundreds of years.

This exhibition celebrates Pakohe (metasomatised argillite), a precious taonga that has shaped the story of Te Tauihu o te Waka-a-Māui. Used for centuries by iwi Māori to craft tools and symbols of mana, toki Pakohe played a vital role in early trade economies and is a significant part of the region’s history. The exhibition beautifully honours this resource and the people who continue to work it, showcasing both historical and contemporary artistry.

We highly recommend you visit and learn about this important piece of Te Tauihu’s cultural heritage.