Thank You To All Our Recent Supporters

We very much appreciate the support we have recently received

Thank You To



G J Gardner Homes for being our major sponsor for Relay For Life 2018, The Breeze and all our other sponsors and volunteers

Heritage Homes Tour – Heritage home owners, our volunteers, The Nelson City Council, Gourmet Catering and SB Hire

Avoca Design for designing our new website

Anneliese Ashwell-Smith and her mum for making biscuits and Anneliese selling them at school to fundraise for us

Burger Culture for holding an art auction with exclusive works from The Shady Collective lads and donating half the proceeds

Sheree for making heart pillows

Reece Nesbit from Golden Bay for regularly donating a portion of his pocket money

Eliana and Matteo Gibbons for selling lemonade and shells at the Stoke Catholic Mass and thank you to Lucca Gibbons and his friend Jackson Slattery for selling ice creams at Hampden Street School. It was nice to meet them and receive the money they raised for the Cancer Society Nelson & Tasman

Leah Howse and Jordan Manaena from Hampden Street School who made lip balms and sold these at school

Julie Stephens who organised a 7 day mindfulness cleanse and donated the funds raised from this


Thank You To Our Regular Supporters Also

Betsy from Hubbers for donating fabric for breast cancer patient bags

Knit and Natter Group from Summerset for knitting hats for patients

Stoke Tahunanui Inner Wheel, Motueka Inner Wheel, Waimea Nelson Inner Wheel for making silky pillows

Stoke Tahunanui Ladies Rebus Club for making beanies and heart pillows and breast bags

Sewing Group for making drainage bags for patients

Look Good Feel Better Volunteers

Good Bitches Baking for providing baking for our patients and support groups

Dilmah Teas for supplying tea for our support groups and Relay For Life 2018

And to all of our wonderful volunteers who help in so many ways  – You help keep us doing what we do – Your enthusiasm is inspiring