What a fantastic day of daffodil picking!

Our incredible team of 16 volunteers (Monique, Bill, Richard, Lyn, Jim, Sandra, Paul, Eva, Mary, Gayle, Pam and Sue – did I miss anyone out?) alongside Simon, Wendy, Fe, and Eugene from ANZ Bank, made today’s efforts truly remarkable. Your hard work and enthusiasm ensured we gathered a stunning array of blooms. We couldn’t have done it without you—thank you for your outstanding support! Now, we’re all set for a day of bunching tomorrow, getting everything ready for Daffodil Day on Friday!

We’d also like to extend our gratitude to Tony and the team at Bowaters for generously lending us the Bowater Motor Group van. Having the van made transporting all these stunning daffodils so much easier, and we’re beyond grateful for your continued support.

And a special mention to the late Don Heslop, whose legacy lives on in this magnificent field. Each year, especially for Daffodil Day, we have the privilege of picking these daffodils thanks to the care and dedication he put into this land. We are honoured to continue this tradition and share the beauty of his daffodils with our community.

Here’s a story with Seven Sharp featuring the late Don Heslop from 4 years ago. He was a marvellous man, and we miss him very much. Thank you, Don—your legacy will live on. View via Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/sevensharp/videos/332608627927960

Thank you to everyone who made today possible—it’s efforts like these that make Daffodil Day truly special. Here’s some pictures from the day.

And more pictures via our Facebook page here.