Historical Homes Tour 2024

Historical Homes Tour 2024 draws lots of interest

Wow! Another fabulous turnout for our annual Historical Homes Tour! Thank you to everyone who supported and attended yesterday’s Tour! We were blessed with fabulous weather and the opportunity to explore beautiful and unique homes in Nelson, Richmond, Brightwater and Wakefield. Thanks to the wonderful homeowners who opened their doors and hearts for the day.

Devonshire Teas were served at The Jaycee Room inside Founders Heritage Park – thanks to the team at Founders for their support, and we send a special thank you to Gourmet Catering Nelson for providing the delicious scones, jam, and cream that added to the charm of the day. And lovely floral decorations for the tables thanks to Kay and Ngaire from Isel Floral Circle.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the dedication of our incredible volunteers. Your hard work ensured another highly successful tour, and we’re immensely grateful for your time and effort throughout the day!

A huge thank you to Sandra Carter, Diana Smith, Sandra Devenish and Simone Cardwell for volunteering their time for the wonderful research and telling the stories behind each of our houses.

We appreciate each and every one of you and can’t wait to do it all over again next year!

We also want to extend our gratitude to our sponsors who supported us on the day: Pomeroy’s Coffee & Tea, Four Square Atawhai, ZUMO Coffee House, Tina from Just Costumes and Lemon Tree Lane. Thanks to The Flooring Room Nelson for allowing overflow parking.

Remember, all funds raised from the event go towards providing vital support services to those affected by cancer and their whānau in the Nelson Tasman region. We are delighted that the event has raised over $15,000.

Thank you again for being a part of this meaningful cause!

Congratulations to Wendy Cornish for winning the Historical Homes Tour hamper filled with delicious treats and beverages! Wendy, a long-time volunteer with us, was drawn as the lucky winner, and we couldn’t be happier for her!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket in this raffle. Your support means the world to us! And a special shoutout to Betty for her tireless efforts in selling tickets at The Jaycee Room. Betty, you are amazing! We are forever grateful for your hard work.

Thanks to Cher, another wonderful volunteer who is always here bright and early on a Monday morning, and was on hand to do the draw with Michelle, our Centre Manager

A huge round of applause to Four Square Atawhai and ZUMO Coffee House for their generous donations towards this fantastic prize! Your contributions helped make this hamper truly special.

Historical Homes Tour 2024 Feedback: I am writing to express my delight in participating in your Historical Homes Tour on Sunday.  It was such a well organised and executed event that I wanted to pay tribute and offer my thanks to all of the people involved.  The society had obviously put in a lot of work, and I was most impressed by the information sheets that were given out at each house.  Your volunteers were all friendly and helpful and added to the experience.  The provision of a Devonshire tea with delightful hostesses was a bonus.  Of course, I must also express my thanks to the house owners who so generously opened their splendid homes for inspection by strangers.  In all, it was a most inspiring day! – Yours sincerely, Michael from Stoke