Meghan Clark-chop the mop

Meghan’s ‘Chop the Mop’ Fundraiser

On Wednesday, Meghan, a dedicated member of our local community, completed her remarkable “Chop the Mop” fundraiser, raising a staggering $2,805 to support those affected by cancer.

Meghan’s compassion and determination were evident as she organised a breast cancer awareness morning tea as part of her fundraising efforts. Together with her colleagues, they gathered nearly her entire office, about 60 people, in their tea room to create an inspiring event.

The highlight of the fundraiser was Meghan’s hair-chop, where she bravely parted with 15 inches (38cm) of her hair. This generous act will enable her hair to be transformed into a wig, a meaningful gift for someone fighting breast cancer. Meghan is also donating the proceeds from her hair to the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.

This isn’t the first time Meghan has grown her hair out to donate; it’s her third time making this incredible gesture. Her commitment is a symbol of her dedication to raising awareness and making a real impact on the lives of those affected by cancer.

Meghan’s motivation for doing all of this comes from her heart. She’s seen the impact of cancer on friends and their families over the years, and recently, she had to say goodbye to a dear friend who battled multiple myeloma for seven courageous years. This has made her realise the importance of supporting those affected by cancer.

Growing up in a community filled with big hearts, Meghan’s parents have always been there for friends fighting cancer. Their dedication to fundraising and support has rubbed off on her.

Meghan’s mission is to bring to light the hidden costs that often come with a cancer diagnosis. It’s not just about medical treatments; there are other expenses like travelling to treatment, counselling, mental health support, and accommodation for those who need to travel long distances.

Meghan, your extraordinary efforts and mahi are truly commendable. You serve as an inspiration to us all, demonstrating the power of kindness and generosity in the fight against cancer. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of those in need.